Monday, February 11, 2008

The Corner

I know, the corner seems like a lame punishment. But let me assure you it's not. And I'm not talking about hours in the corner, either.

I had to spend 30 minutes in the corner. I'm mostly just lucky that S let me sit down (though, in fairness, I'd had a pretty good spanking before that, so maybe it wasn't entirely mercy on her part...).

The corner is an exercise in...obedience and patience for me. There's always a time, within the first minute or two, that I have to fight the urge to scream, and throw things, and insist that I am NOT going to stay in the corner, that I CAN'T.

And then that passes, and the thinking begins.

S uses the corner mainly to deal with me when I've been being a brat. And I hate that. Because the brat (as S calls her) wants attention (and lots of it) preferably a nice little handspanking, and lots of cuddles, and firm talking. The corner is the opposite of that (though a chagrined less-bratty girl always gets cuddled after corner time). It's silent non-attention for a period of time, and that's hard for me.

And yet...

I find it effective (shhh, don't tell!). Because in the corner, after a few minutes, a sort of calm settles over me. The things I was being bratty or pouty about seem to fade a bit, back into their normal perspective. I realize that S, in fact, is not going to give up on me, nor is she going to get bored with keeping me firmly in hand.

Because that is what the brat is really scared of.

So, yeah, the corner. Hate it, but...well, I guess I can see SOME good in it...maybe.